August 19, 2009


My husband is a photojournalist who spends his time recording life as it happens for a local t.v. station.
I am a still photographer who spends my time recording life as it happens for my family and others.
Our daughter seems to be a chip off the ol' blocks - as they say - and is a very talented photographer herself. This afternoon while I was photographing Jackson playing football, she captured this little fellow.
Hello Grasshopper! Good shot Cate!


  1. Caitlin, We like your picture. You are like a real photographer. The grasshopper must not be an adult, because it is not brown yet. Did it hop away after you took the picture? Emma & Sam Strohl

  2. Hi Emma and Sam
    thank you and no it did not hop away it suck a around . Wow ! it has been a long time since we have seen you guys!

  3. I think that was supposed to be... it STUCK around. Caitlin and Jackson would like to see you guys soon!
