November 23, 2008

November 11, 2008

Art for Africa

I had the rare honor of photographing a really great event last week... a silent auction to benefit children in Africa.  We're talking about kids who get enough food to eat maybe once a week and have few people to love and watch after them.  So - a Wisconsin woman is working to change that.  She's raising money to start a meal program in their tiny village.  It's proof that one person can really make a difference.  For more information, go to

November 10, 2008

Celia Celebrates!

Happy First Birthday Celia!
This beautiful baby girl, you may have seen her featured on my site, marked a major milestone over the weekend... she turned one!
Celia tottered around in her tights amid the Grandparents, aunts, uncles and close friends who'd all gathered to help celebrate this pixie and all she's accomplished!  Taking just a few steps in a row now, but watch out mom and dad, she's just a piggie toe away from really walking!   Can't wait to see what the future holds in store for this miniature marvel!
Love you Celia, Auntie Carol