November 12, 2009

Family Portrait Session

It's that time of year again - when mom and dads and kids of all ages worldwide gather together to take that most elusive of photograph... the family portrait.
Here's a preview of a session I did just last week. A wonderful family with two beautiful golden retrievers... which made for a tricky picture. Lots and lots of eyes to watch for blinking and of course, the occasional wagging tail.
It's not too late to get your holiday photos taken and there is a lot of fun to be had too! Build a snowman... cozy up to the fire... invite me over to photograph your little ones hanging ornaments on your tree! All ideas are welcome and will make for a very touching holiday portrait.


  1. Beautiful. I love this session, especially the b/w one.

  2. I love the b/w one. Thanks Carol, for such a nice job!
