April 6, 2009


Well, here he is - not even two full weeks after his last trip to the emergency room.  You'll notice the bright green cast on his left arm.  There was an unfortunate series of biking/crashing events on Saturday that left my littlest with a greenstick fracture in his left forearm.  Let me tell you, I've had better weekends.  I just am having a hard time figuring out why he's always on the short end of the safety stick.  He really loves life.  He's an all or nothing kind of kid, guess that's probably my answer. The funny thing is that each and every time he has some sort of minor disaster, he walks away thinking that absolutely everything is fine and I look/feel like a bomb just went off.  Is this motherhood?  Jackson is five.  That leaves approximately another 40 years or so that I'll be worrying about him.  Guess I'd better get used to it.  At this very moment he's begging to ride his bike around the block.  I don't know how much more of this I can take?  Does anyone have any bubble wrap?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jackson...this has been quite the year for you...I'd say you're done now for the rest of the year - OK? Give your mom a break! ;D
    Nice choice on the green cast...so how long do you get to keep it? 3-6 weeks?
