March 31, 2009

Making Progress

This is Jackson.  If you've been reading along, you know it's been a rough winter at our house.  Lots of coughing and runny noses, sore throats and from time to time, gulp... even worse.  There's been a trip or two to the emergency room and a few visits to urgent care.  But he's on the mend at the moment, which does my heart good.  I titled this post, 'Making Progress' though, for two reasons.  One is Jackson - fighting the good fight and for the moment, making progress against all that is ill.  The second reason is that I've been navigating the learning curve the past few weeks... delving into some new technology that I hope will improve my photography.  I've made a few tweaks to this photo, can you tell?  The first few tries looked pretty fake - not at all like the real-life boy that Jackson really is.  But I like this version.  So - Making Progress.  Yep.  It's a good thing.

1 comment:

  1. OK...Now I want to see the straight out of the camera shot for comparison!
    Maybe a little extra sparkle in the eye? Flush in the cheek?
    What did you do???
    Was it easy?
