September 1, 2009

First Day of School

If you're the kind of person who loves taking photographs, it can be hard to see the line between just the right amount of pictures taken of someone... and that one too many. This morning - the first day of school around here - Jackson hit that one too many mark. Caitlin may never hit it, which is great for me because I'll always have someone willing to stop and smile, but Jackie Boy had other plans today. Here are a few I snapped, well, while he snapped.
The morning was not a complete bust. I caught my beatiful 4th grade girl in some pretty great light in the kitchen window.

So, off they went, my 9 year old and my newly minted 6 year old... on to the great, wonderful, exciting world of knowing things. I will miss spending time with them each and every day they're out in the world without me. But that's my job, isn't it? To give them everything I can so that one day they can go out there - and stay out there - without me?
Oh how I hope that day is a long, long time from today.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know...I like those black & white ones!!! The pouty face is precious...would get me every time, I think!
    Hope you guys both have a great day at school! (Mason doesn't start until September 10th!)
    Nice first day outfit, Cate, and I LOVE the bag!
