January 4, 2009

Thank You Kim

My friend Kim, whom I've known for 17 years is taking on a big challenge.  She's vowing to post a new photo on her blog every day - for all of 2009.  So far she's doing really well... keeping up very nicely and it's been fun to catch up with all that's happening with her.  Kim and I have a unique history.  I actually knew OF her, before I KNEW her, she was a star student at UW-Eau Claire where I was attending.  I tried hard to follow in her footsteps through the Journalism program there.  When I transferred to UW-Madison, I thought I might never hear of her again, except that she was a producer at the TV station where I not only interned, but was hired for my first job.  Kim called me on the phone as my future husband walked through the newsroom - to tell me I might like the new guy... and his green suit.  Kim knew before I'd made the announcement that I was expecting my first child and my first child was born on Kim's birthday.  If you've ever known someone like Kim, you're grateful and thankful and you spend a bit of time wondering how their place in your life could just be a fluke.  Well, I don't believe it is.  I'm not particularly religious, but I know she's in my life for a reason.   So, now Kim has this blog and once again I think she's here to lead me to something.  I've been spending a lot of time recently trying to figure out what my photography THING is, you know, my style, my purpose, my reason for getting behind the lens.  Her blog has said nothing about what exactly I should do with myself, but it's helping me define what I love so much about photography.  I cannot put it into words, yet, but I'm thinking with a few more posts it's bound to become more clear.  Thanks again, Kim, for all that you bring to my world - even if you're not trying to!

1 comment:

  1. Wow. I don't even know what to say!
    Well, first, I have to say there's NO WAY it's been 17 years. Seriously? We can't be that old!
    I am having a great time with this blog...probably spending too much time tweaking it at this point. I don't really know where I'm going with it, so I don't think I can really be LEADING you anywhere. But I think if you're coming along, we'll sure enjoy wherever we go! I think we're both trying to figure a few things out...and doing that with a good friend sure is a lot more fun! Thanks for your support in this journey...now let's go take some awesome pictures!
